Abandoned and homeless animals in Europe

3 min readJul 1, 2020


Let us talk about the situation of abandoned and homeless animals is how bad in the European Union, mainly in the eastern and southern parts of Europe. These poor animals are known as stray animals which are lawless and without any status.

Do you know? there are about 100 million abandoned animals in Europe most are from union member states, this data was estimated by the European Union. These abandoned animals are mainly dogs and cats these strays are found in both mixed breeds and purebred.

When these should be abandoned their further journey on the street is very difficult and brutal. They are tortured in every possible way, without any legal actions involved against the doers. Though torture and bullying are major issues, there are also issuing like hit and run for these animals.

Animals are abandoned daily in many EU member countries like Spain, Norway, Hungary, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Denmark, Portugal, Romania, etc.

Apart from human torture, there are other issues which make their life difficult on streets like starvation, cold winters, and diseases. It is very common to dump these companions on the roadside or in garbage containers while abandoning them. When left in dirty places it started causing various illnesses.

Some common diseases faced by Cats and Dogs,

To avoid these diseases, it is recommended to have a routine checkup for these animals which is not possible in case of stray animals. So far, we have been talking about problems with stray animals.

All these diseases are painful for animals not having good sanitation makes them unhealthy which allows them to get in contact with diseases easily. These facts prove that not only human sanitation and better lifestyles are important but also Animals because in then end it is going to affect each other.

“The worst part of being poor watching our dog die when we cannot afford to help”.

I think we cannot put price tags on the lives of our beloved four-legged friends. Unfortunately, that is exactly what being a poor pet owner forces you to do. The expenses for emergency veterinary medicine are nowadays very common. If your pet has ever eaten something it should not (and whose pet has not?) consider yourself lucky if it did not cost, you a fortune. The average cost of “foreign body ingestion”, a common pet emergency, is often more than €1,500.

I have heard plenty of comments along the lines of “If you’re poor, you shouldn’t get a pet” in some social media. The harsh reality is, veterinary care is a business, and just like any other business, its clients must provide that revenue. But even pet owners who have the best-laid plans initially — perhaps even with dedicated savings account for vet expenses — can run into unplanned circumstances.




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